While there is risk in international travel the Global Education Office has put in place safety procedures to mitigate the risk and prioritize student safety. In our selection of partners we keep strict standards for housing and perform routine program audits. We work with various parties both domestically and abroad to ensure all emergency information is distributed accordingly. Likewise, students have access to emergency lines from our host partners and are encouraged to contact our office as well. Each institution maintains updated protocols for emergencies, reviews the media regularly with a focus on program locations, records program itineraries, and maintains contact data for all program participants. Lastly, we have a direct line of communication with students on out-bound programs which students can send their concerns or check-in with our office. However, for immediate assistance contact your local staff, local emergency services, and MUPD. Some steps taken to mitigate safety concerns are as follows:
- Department of State (DOS) Review - DOS reviews program itineraries with local consular officers, using benchmarking data from the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) to promote program safety. DOS is on call 24/7 and represented at more the 400 embassies and consulates worldwide. DOS recommendations, information from overseas partners, and consultation with US peer institutions inform our programmatic decisions and assist us in advising students and families of relevant details.
- DOS STEP Registration - The Global Education Office registers all US citizens with the DOS Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) before departure.
- AIG Health Insurance - Travel Guard - MU provides all students and accompanying faculty-directors with International Health Coverage. Security and medical evacuation, mental and physical health are included.
- Alert Traveler - The Global Education Office encourages all students to download AlertTraveler during orientation. This is an app in which students are alerted of nearby events ranging from delays in metro systems to natural disasters. In extreme cases the app can be used for student check-in during an emergency. Should students need the assistance of emergency services abroad, the app also indicates local emergency personnel phone numbers based on geo-location. This gives student the ease to know that emergency services are only a click away once they have downloaded the app and registered their account. Please see your MU Study Abroad Portal for instruction on how to activate your account.
If you are a Non-US citizen traveling abroad we recommend the following steps as you will not be able to register through the US Department of State for their services:
- Refer to your government's website to determine if you require a visa to enter your host country or if there are any travel restrictions/travel bans between the two nations.
- Meet with our Assistant Director of International Student Services to discuss your immigration documents for your time abroad.
- Contact AIG Insurance if you have any additional travel concerns after meeting with our Assistant Director of International Student Services.
Sexual Misconduct Abroad
Sexual violence is any type of unwanted sexual interaction, ranging from personal attitudes and comments to sexual assault. Sexual violence is not a single act or situation—it is a series of nonverbal, verbal, and physical events that make people feel unsafe or afraid. Sexual violence thrives in silence and impacts everyday interactions.
Monmouth University prohibits all forms of sexual offenses and will work to address these issues at home and abroad. Monmouth University’s sexual misconduct policy can be found in the student handbook at: This policy applies to all Monmouth University students whether on campus or off campus.